IMGP4532So proud of my Dad, William (Bill) Harding III, for being selected the 2014 Columbia International University Alumnus of the Year!

Mom and Dad at CBC  1950 Dad and Mom at graduation from Columbia International University prepared to take the Word of God to the nations.

Image 21954 With three little ones and one on the way, leaving the comforts of America, they take off to Ethiopia to serve the Lord with SIM for many years.

October 1957 HardingsRaising a family in Ethiopia: five little towheads. Twins: Bill, Joe, Don, Gwen (the first Harding girl in 40 years!) and the youngest, David. All walking with and serving the Lord today.

Dad with Markina -Wolita Church Leader PreachingGaining the joy of fluency to preach in the Amharic language. Many hearts touched and many lives change.


Four Harding graduates of CIU. Joe, Don, Dad and Bill

Thanking the Lord, today, with admiration for my Dad and his legacy and for the tools that CIU has given each of us to press on to know Christ and to make Him known among the nations.

