2008 was a year of great growth and fruitfulness in the Sports Friends ministry. We praise God for how he is using the simple, yet powerful platform of sports ministry to transform lives and strengthen communities. We also want to say “Thank You!” to our many friends and supporters. Without your encouragement, prayers and financial support, this ministry would not be possible. We hope you are encouraged by the images and stories below of God‟s work in 2008.
When we started this ministry with SIM 6 years ago, we would have never imagined all that God had planned for us and so many others He has called to serve with us in the Sports Friends ministry. We are humbled and continually amazed as we see God using sports ministry to impact many people‟s lives for all eternity.
We are currently working with over 1,500 churches or church planters in Africa and Asia that have started sports ministry programs which together have over 40,000 youth involved as participants.
SIM Ethiopia seeks to use the platform of sports as a tool to build relationships with people (typically children, youth and young adults) that in turn lead to the opportunity to share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our desire is to be a servant resource to “the body of Christ” in Ethiopia. Our vision has three primary focuses:
- to support and equip the evangelical churches in Ethiopia to use sports as an intentional ministry tool for evangelism and discipleship;
- to support and train SIM missionaries and other Christian workers to use sports as an evangelism tool in difficult to reach people groups;
- and to be a witness for Christ in the Ethiopian sporting community.
Church-based Sports Ministry
– We desire to see thousands of evangelical churches across all of Ethiopia using sports ministry to reach many thousands, if not millions, of children, youth and young adults with the Gospel of Christ and to see those new believers discipled and connected to the church. Our work with these churches includes vision casting, training, consulting, equipping, and assisting with sports equipment and other resources.