In these turbulent times of global pandemic marked with uncertainty, anxiety, and darkness, we need hope. May we not TAP OUT because of feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and even grief. May gratitude trump our grief. God is the only hope for our world. PRAYER TAPS IN to God’s mercy, protection and peace. There is safety in the punctuality of God!
With this in mind may we challenge you today to pray for our African brothers and sisters. Pray for churches across Africa where virtual meetings are often not possible.
PRAY for churches across Africa where virtual meetings are often not possible .
PRAY that governments will make wise decisions to protect their people.
Not only is Covid-19 having a negative impact on health and the economy, they are also being hit with devastating locust swarms and flooding which has already displaced whole communities and taken lives. Lord, have mercy!
PRAY for those serving as healthcare providers across the continent. There are simply not enough resources and equipment in Africa to deal with the size of outbreak that we have seen in Europe and the USA.
PRAY that Christian hospitals will be a beacon of light in a dark time.
PRAY that children would grow up in safe and supportive homes filled with the love of Jesus.
Social distancing measures are very difficult to enforce in crowded slums and many don’t have access to clean water for hand washing.
PRAY that God would touch hearts with the knowledge of Jesus and draw many to salvation through Him.
Islamic extremists are taking advantage of the disruption to advance their agendas, threatening Christ-followers to recant their faith in Jesus to receive food.
The month of Ramadan is now . Please pray that our missionaries and local evangelists serving in creative access locations would have opportunities to share truth with those who are seeking God more earnestly at this time. Pray for those seeking, and maybe looking at the world differently in light of the pandemic, that they would realize that only Jesus provides all the answers.
We wanted to let you know that we are safe and doing well in the past 50 days of “lock-down”. We are starting to get Zoom fatigue with connecting locally and globally with so many but so thankful for this technology! In our context, things are loosening up for. Thanks for praying for us!
Bill & Grace
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WAXHAW, NC 28173