Over ten thousand gathered for days to worship, celebrate and listen to the Word of God preached in Yirgachefe, Ethiopia.
Preaching in Amharic with passion and with the annointing of the Spirit of God was a special privilege and honor. Thank you for praying for me. Having been away, the Amharic gets a little “rusty”, but through your prayers, much of the “rust”was blow away to where I sensed that the communication of the message was getting through to their hearts. Thank you, Lord, for answered prayer!
“To the ends of the earth”Through the service of Helimission Ethiopia, (pilot Mattias and family) we were able to fly into SW Ethiopia to some of the most remote and least reached tribes, the T’ara, the Bbodi and the Kwego. With the leadership of SIM missionary, Ben Skaggs (L) my friend Fred Bridges, (R) and I were blessed to encourage the evangelists and leaders of small fledgling churches and to also witness where the gospel has not yet gone.
PRAY FOR THE KWEGO PEOPLE!On the banks of the Omo River, heading toward the border of South Sudan, is an isolated pastoral nomadic tribe who move with their cattle in what seemed to us in dust and desolation. That is the condition of their hearts. The gospel has not yet penetrated or taken root among this people. They are in desperate need of the Savior. Pray that SIM and the Ethiopian evangelists will be able to make inroads to this unreached people group.
PARTNERSHIP: A KEY FOR ETERNAL IMPACT MOVING FORWARD.Asfaw and Bekele are two of the most humble and godly leaders that serve our Lord in the Yirgachefe SIM related churches known as KHC. Fred Bridges (R) represents our local home church, Calvary Church of Charlotte, NC. I serve as an SIM missionary, a link and catalyst between these two worlds. Together, through your prayers and support, God is using this partnership for the propagation of the gospel and the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
With grateful hearts for your partnership, we rejoice in the Lord!
Bill and
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SIMUSA Box 7900, Charlotte, NC 28241