We rejoice that Dad has his 92nd Birthday!
On September 13, dad will turn a young 92! He is a great dad, granddad and great-grand dad. He prizes…a good joke, a good laugh, tennis (now on TV) , church, morning devotions and prayer with Betty, his wife, teaching the Bible, loving people and sharing the gospel.
Dad has an incredible heart for God’s kingdom purposes. He has given his life in Ethiopia and North America for the sake of the gospel reaching those who are living and dying without Christ. He loves God and demonstrates that love to his family. I see him as a missionary statesman and family patriarch (4 kids, 17 grandchildren and 41 great grandchildren) I love and admire him! Happy Birthday, Dad!!!
The Graduation of students at the Harding Bible School in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia!
The Graduation of students at the Harding Bible School in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia!
This week, September 8th, in remote southern Ethiopia where we ministered and raised our family, there was a great celebration for 43 graduates from the Harding Bible School. Twenty-four of them have finished their course work to minister effectively in local churches and in cross-cultural mission. Nineteen have been prepared to work as youth pastors in their local churches.
We’ve begun the Ethiopian New Year
Happy New Year to all those in our beloved Ethiopia! It is 2013 on the Ethiopian calendar. The Amharic script says “Happy New Year”. Praying for peace and unity and the progress of the gospel. Designed by a friend and fellow MK, Laura Toews.
Prayer and Praise
- Bill has opportunity to speak to 63 Athletes in Action missionaries via video on the subject of “Cultivating a heart for mission in the context of a global pandemic”. Pray for spiritual renewal in each that would hear the message.
- Rejoice that our son, Drew, his wife, Janna and the five girls were able to leave Cape Town, South Africa to the USA on a repatriation flight. Pray for their transition to life and studies in Lake Oswego, Oregon. They plan to return to South Africa in December.
- There is great tribal tension and geopolitical wrangling that could explode quickly in Ethiopia. Pray for peace as you pray the same for the USA.
Grace and I want to express our joy and gratitude for your great interest and support especially in these uncertain times. We press on to know Christ and make Him known with your prayers and love. Please be in touch and let us know how you are doing.
We wish to thank you for your love for us and for supporting us as you have done for so many years.
Bill & Grace
Our mailing address is:
WAXHAW, NC 28173