Humbled and privileged to share our hearts and God’s Word in Dallas
What a grand privilege, blessing and honor to be part of God’s grand design and purpose! Nothing fulfills, satisfies or delights more than being involved consciously in that purpose…the consummation of all things in Christ Jesus…the redemption of souls and the reclamation of the cosmos. Ephesians 1
Bill was able to share and interact with the students and faculty members in a number of mission classes. To see the students gripped by the stories of what God has been doing in Ethiopia was so encouraging. Their preparation and pursuit of God’s mission in the world was beautiful to witness.
Grace and I were also invited to speak at the First Baptist Church of Irving, Texas. This church has adopted the Dorze as an unreached people group to reach with the gospel. We have put them in touch with leaders of the SIM related churches to form a partnership to reach them.
Our amazing host and hostess for our time in Dallas were Dr. Rick and Carol Calenberg. They have served with SIM for many years. Rick was the SIM Director of Nigeria for a number of years. He has traveled the world and has been to Ethiopia five times. He now serves as a mission prof at DTS. Carol has a wonderful ministry to the wives of seminary students and is a gifted counselor. Grace loved her time with Carol and participatied in a Bible study with some DTS wives. Rick is now the Chairman of the Mission Committee at their local church and is leading the church to reach the unreached Dorze people in southern Ethiopia.
Dr. Rodney Orr is Chairman of the Mission Department at DTS. Can you believe it, he grew up in Ethiopia and went to the American School! His dad was the US Navy liaison for the Emperor’s Honor Guard back in the 60s. We had so much to talk about! I love the way he relates to the students!
From Calvary Church, Charlotte, NC to Dallas, TX!
One of the highlights in Dallas was time with a most precious family from our home church in Charlotte, NC, Vikram and Esther Pimplekar with their beautiful kids! Vikram is a third year student at DTS working toward a ThM. Esther is a nurse practitioner. It was a grand reunion, Indian food and all! Bill told story after story upon the demand from the gorgeous three children.
• Rejoice and give thanks to God with us for such a fruitful time at Dallas Theological Seminary.
• For the students from DTS who are preparing to go on a short-term mission trip to Ethiopia this summer.
• For the outreach team at First Baptist Church, Irving, TX in their efforts to reach the Dorze people of southern Ethiopia with the gospel.
• Our son, Drew, and his family in South Africa as they explore possibilities and opportunities to establish a coffee lodge in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia.
• For our son, Ryan, and his family in Australia as they make plans to return in the Charlotte area in late June, (work, kids education etc.)