41% of Ethiopia’s 105 million population are under age 15, 15-29 are 28% = 72.4 million!

These are amazing stats! SIM and the SIM related church, EKHC, are taking great initiatives in this area of mission. The challenge is to prioritize and mobilize the church for next generation discipleship. The theme of the Yirgacheffe Bible Conference is “Discipleship: the Home, the Church and the World. 

How can this task be done? There are many strategies. One avenue is to train and equip pastors, parents and volunteers to effectively build a bridge from the church to the home. We have a gifted team that will help accelerate this vision to develop authentic, young, spiritual champions.   

Please pray for the following:

  • For safety in travel especially in the global corona virus context. Take off is Monday, February 10. Return is Saturday, February 22.
  • For the realization of God’s grace in a special way in all events of this trip to share God’s Word and to encourage His people.
  • For the tens of thousands of Ethiopians who will come to hear the preaching of God’s Word. Pray for preparation of our hearts and the hearts of the attendees to receive the messages in the context or praise and worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Sharing our hearts and God’s Word at the Harding Bible School.
  • Ministering at a training center for Muslim background believers. Always a highlight!


Grace and I send this to you out of a sense of gratitude to the Lord and to you for your friendship and support for our family and ministry. Would love to hear from you!

Bill & Grace

Our mailing address is:
WAXHAW, NC 28173
