What Matters Most?

What Matters Most?

As you think globally, what matters most? In these uncertain times, we, SIM, are asking God to raise up workers for His global kingdom. Please click HERE Thanks for praying earnestly for this! Family is so vitally important especially with all the COVID-19...


BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING In these turbulent times of global pandemic marked with uncertainty, anxiety, and darkness, we need hope.  May we not TAP OUT because of feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and even grief.  May gratitude trump our grief.  God is the only hope...
Coronavirus Impacts Ministry

Coronavirus Impacts Ministry

Bill’s Ethiopia trip cancelled! In a response to the growing global spread of the Corona virus, COVID-19, SIM’s Management Team has asked us to cancel all international travel for a time. We have had a year of planning to take a team of 21 students and...