by Bill Harding | Sep 30, 2016
In humility…power! The light of the gospel in remote T’ara I was deeply moved to see this gathering of believers praying in Sala, one of the least reached tribal areas of southern Ethiopia recently reached by Me’en evangelists. A dependency on prayer...
by Bill Harding | Sep 21, 2016
A passion for business for the sake of kingdom expansion. My twin brother, Joe, and I had the joy of leading a team of Christian businessmen from the USA to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to explore opportunities for business as mission. As we visited the offices of church,...
by Bill Harding | Aug 21, 2016
SIM in partnership with AEG and Global Cross …to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,Ephesians 4:12 Bill will be heading to Ethiopia with AEG (American Engineering Group )and Global Cross leadership on August 22 to...
by Bill Harding | Jun 21, 2016
Drew and Janna + K-5 Arrive from South Africa Thanking the Lord for family and a time together. For 17 months our son, Drew, has been navigating the pursuit of obtaining student visas for their five girls. Visas are needed to get back into South Africa from a visit...
by webwright | Jun 21, 2016
Bill and Grace heading off on their honeymoon, June 21, 1975! Celebrating 40 years of God’s faithfulness to us in our marriage. How could it be? The time has flown by! So grateful for the love of Christ that binds us together. Some of you were with us on that...
by webwright | May 21, 2016
Thankful to God for Family Recently we had the joy to be with our son, Ryan, his wife, Melissa and Selah, Gavin and Emery. We had not been able to see them for over a year. So much fun hiking and exploring around Sedona. The beauty is stunning but nothing compared to...
by webwright | Mar 5, 2016
FROM S. AFRICA, ETHIOPIA, USA In diversity… unity in declaring the glory of Jesus Christ!
by webwright | Feb 9, 2016
The amazing privilege and responsibility to preach the Word. The Bible conference will be held in Yirgachefe were we lived and served for years. Pray for preparation of heart of each who speak and each who will attend this amazing conference. Bill is leading a team of...
by webwright | Oct 21, 2015
Where in the world is Doha? Check it out! With my wonderful niece, Leah Harding, who works for Al Jazeera News. Great fellowship, dune bashing and the best shwarma!
by webwright | Aug 2, 2015
My prayer today: Forbid, O Lord God that my thoughts today should be wholly occupied with the world’s passing show. See in Your lovingkindness, You have given me the power to lift my mind to the contemplation of things unseen and eternal, forbid that I should...
by Bill Harding | Dec 5, 2014
This video portrays a life well lived for Jesus Christ! My dad was honored recently as Columbia International University 2014 Alumnus of the Year. Click to see snapshots of Mom and Dad’s life and the legacy passed on. So proud of Dad and the celebration...
by webwright | Nov 27, 2014
From our home to yours, wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. (Col 2:6-7)...
by webwright | Oct 30, 2014
Dad, William T. Harding III, Receives The 2014 Alumnus of the Year Award from Columbia International University Be inspired by the snapshots of the life and ministry of Mom and Dad. Here is a moving recap of his 40 years connected to Ethiopia with SIM told in way...
by webwright | Oct 10, 2014
From the rural countryside to the crowded cities, God is at work in a wondrous way! Having rained all night, we drove into a remote village, Haru, where over twenty years ago I was able to lead my water team to find a spring and run a 3-4 kilometers pipeline to bring...
by Bill Harding | Sep 18, 2014
HARDING REUNION OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC AUGUST 2-7, 2014 For the first time in years we have been able to get together as a whole family and enjoy each other in the sun, sand and surf. Wow, what a joy to see the cousins have a blast with each other body surfing, tubing...
by Bill Harding | Sep 18, 2014
A dear friend and SIM colleague tests positive for Ebola virus. URGENT: Please pray for Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent Brantly, Dr. Rick Sacra and others facing the worst outbreak of Ebola ever in West Africa. Nancy works with SIM in Liberia and was part of the...
by Bill Harding | Sep 9, 2014
OFF TO ETHIOPIA TO ENCOURAGE THE CHURCH AND HER LEADERS Located in the Gedeo Region of Ethiopia is the Harding Bible School which was dedicated in 2013 for the training of Ethiopian pastors, church leaders and missionaries. Critical to the future of the school, is the...
by webwright | Aug 20, 2014
REJOICING FOR ANSWERED PRAYER! NANCY WRITEBOL AND DR. KENT BRANTLY DECLARED EBOLA FREE! These past two weeks have been a very intensive time for SIMUSA and Samaritan’s Purse! Our SIM International Director, Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko expressed it best. “On...
by webwright | Aug 20, 2014
OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC AUGUST 2-7, 2014 For the first time in years we have been able to get together as a whole family and enjoy each other in the sun, sand and surf. Wow, what a joy to see the cousins have a blast with each other body surfing, tubing behind...
by Bill Harding | Jun 24, 2014
What a great Father’s Day we had as we shared at Providence Baptist Church, Harrisburg. NC. Many of you have asked if the message could be heard or down loaded. Here is a link for the speaking part and the video we presented at the end as well of some pictures...
by Bill Harding | Jun 20, 2014
HARDING REUNION OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC AUGUST 2-7, 2014 For the first time in years we have been able to get together as a whole family and enjoy each other in the sun, sand and surf. Wow, what a joy to see the cousins have a blast with each other body surfing, tubing...
by Bill Harding | Jun 3, 2014
So proud of my Dad, William (Bill) Harding III, for being selected the 2014 Columbia International University Alumnus of the Year! 1950 Dad and Mom at graduation from Columbia International University prepared to take the Word of God to the nations. 1954 With three...
by Bill Harding | May 16, 2014
Opportunities afforded to us this spring in the USA. Bill preaching a challenge for mission at historic Aldan Union Church in Philadelphia. Liberty University:(LR) Drew Harding, Burt Harding, Dr. Elmer Towns, Bill Harding III, Bill Harding IV....
by Bill Harding | Apr 20, 2014
by Bill Harding | Mar 15, 2014
THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS LISTEN TO THE WORD OF GOD Over ten thousand gathered for days to worship, celebrate and listen to the Word of God preached in Yirgachefe, Ethiopia. Preaching in Amharic with passion and with the annointing of the Spirit of God was a...
by Bill Harding | Feb 15, 2014
On Tuesday, February 18, I take off for Ethiopia. Would you please carve out some time to pray for me and a friend, Fred Bridges, who will join me. Ethiopia is the 2nd most populous nation in Africa with close to 90 million people. My heart is particularly...
by Bill Harding | Jan 27, 2014
Something so basic, so vital for life, yet we take it all for granted. It was in 1983 that Bill and Grace headed to Ethiopia at the height of one of the worst drought and famines in Ethiopia’s history. It was in that context, that Bill was able to drill...
by Bill Harding | Sep 1, 2013
First of all we want to thank you for your friendship and for kneeling and standing with us and our family as we continue to seek to make Christ known here in North America, Ethiopia and beyond. October will take us for meetings in FL. NC and VA. ...
by Bill Harding | Aug 2, 2013
Summer Greetings from Bill and Grace / August 2013 Preaching to the Nations It was great to participate with speakers from around the world in the UBF, University Bible Fellowship, mission conference with over 3,000 students in...